At Academy, specialized in comparative history, anthropology and sociology. Displayed keen interest in study of male leaders throughout history.
In 2263, served midshipman training cruise aboard U.S.S. Nautilus. Served as student instructor of history at Academy, 2264. Reprimanded for having an affair with Lieutenant Commander Ben Miller, a tenured professor, 2264.
First assignment after Academy was in security detail, U.S.S. Avenger, 2264-65. In 2265, participated in making first contact with the highly patriarchal society on Berengaria VI. Negotiated for release of her male landing party leader, who had been captured and sentenced to execution for catching an unauthorized glance at the ankles of the primary wife of the ruling Belisarius. Not only was the landing party leader spared, but due to McGiverΓÇÖs efforts, full diplomatic relations were established with the Federation.
In 2266, transferred to U.S.S. Enterprise as ship's historian, promoted to junior lieutenant. Assisted with discovery of S.S. Botany Bay and its crew of 20th-century "genetic supermen," revived from cryogenic stasis and led by Khan Noonien Singh.